Thursday, 5 February 2009


I thought, in view of what a couple of people said in the class today, that the most helpful thing I could do with this blog would be to give some examples of the way I have used computers for teaching. I've been doing this for a long long time--since before the Web was conceived, actually--and so what I describe will be real, tested, and found to be actually useful. I'll avoid the kind of thing that Bill will be covering in the course, and just talk about the things I have myself used. I hope it helps...


  1. What a lovely idea - thanks! But, please don't avoid anything - I don't claim any absolute knowledge on any of this stuff, I'm just a fellow traveller :-)

    btw, I learnt a new word, does it have any significance for you?
    'concenatio' - a supping together, companionship at table

  2. just fooling around with an online Latin dictionary until I found a word no-one else had used up...

  3. Sounds a bit like 'catenaccio' to me ;)

  4. Tom, coming back to the brief discussion we had yesterday about photography: I read a techie blog by an XML guy, and he also posts a lot of pictures. On today's post I came across this link:
    So it's something other people have also be thinking about, how far you should 'mess' with your photos!

  5. Oliver, 'integrity is history...' well, yes, I agree with that. But I think it's up to the individual to choose from the possibilies. My own choice is to use Lightroom but not Photoshop. All the great photographers, however purist, spend a lot of time in the dark room, they don't send their photos to Boots!

    I took a photo that depended entirely for its effect on the precise positioning of a seagull:, bottom of the page, May 11

    I could have easily put the seagull there with photoshop, but I didn't; I got lucky. However the simple fact that I could have faked it devalues the photo, I think. Integrity is history... So it goes.
